Source code for pytorch_accelerated.callbacks

# Copyright © 2021 Chris Hughes
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import sys
import time
from abc import ABC

import numpy as np
import torch
from pytorch_accelerated.utils import ModelEma
from torch import nn
from tqdm import tqdm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def get_default_callbacks(progress_bar=True):
    if progress_bar:
        default_callbacks = (
        default_callbacks = (

    return default_callbacks

class StopTrainingError(Exception):
    An exception which can be raised in order to stop a training run early.


class CallbackMethodNotImplementedError(Exception):

[docs]class TrainerCallback(ABC): """ The abstract base class to be subclassed when creating new callbacks. """
[docs] def on_init_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the end of trainer initialisation. """ pass
[docs] def on_training_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the start of training run. """ pass
[docs] def on_train_epoch_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the beginning of a training epoch. """ pass
[docs] def on_train_step_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the beginning of a training step. """ pass
[docs] def on_train_step_end(self, trainer, batch, batch_output, **kwargs): """ Event called at the end of a training step. :param batch: the current batch of training data :param batch_output: the outputs returned by :meth:`pytorch_accelerated.trainer.Trainer.calculate_train_batch_loss` """ pass
[docs] def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the end of a training epoch. """ pass
[docs] def on_eval_epoch_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the beginning of an evaluation epoch. """ pass
[docs] def on_eval_step_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the beginning of a evaluation step. """ pass
[docs] def on_eval_step_end(self, trainer, batch, batch_output, **kwargs): """ Event called at the end of an evaluation step. :param batch: the current batch of evaluation data :param batch_output: the outputs returned by :meth:`pytorch_accelerated.trainer.Trainer.calculate_eval_batch_loss` """ pass
[docs] def on_eval_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the end of evaluation. """ pass
def on_training_run_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called during a training run after both training and evaluation epochs have been completed. """ pass
[docs] def on_training_run_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the end of training run. """ pass
def on_evaluation_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the start of an evaluation run. """ pass def on_evaluation_run_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called at the end of an evaluation run. """ pass
[docs] def on_stop_training_error(self, trainer, **kwargs): """ Event called when a stop training error is raised """ pass
def __getattr__(self, item): try: return super().__getattr__(item) except AttributeError: raise CallbackMethodNotImplementedError
[docs]class CallbackHandler: """ The :class:`CallbackHandler` is responsible for calling a list of callbacks. This class calls the callbacks in the order that they are given. """ def __init__(self, callbacks): self.callbacks = [] self.add_callbacks(callbacks) self._enabled = True
[docs] def add_callbacks(self, callbacks): """ Add a list of callbacks to the callback handler :param callbacks: a list of :class:`TrainerCallback` """ for cb in callbacks: self.add_callback(cb)
[docs] def add_callback(self, callback): """ Add a callbacks to the callback handler :param callback: an instance of a subclass of :class:`TrainerCallback` """ cb = callback() if isinstance(callback, type) else callback cb_class = callback if isinstance(callback, type) else callback.__class__ if cb_class in {c.__class__ for c in self.callbacks}: existing_callbacks = "\n".join(cb for cb in self.callback_list) raise ValueError( f"You attempted to add multiple instances of the callback {cb_class} to a single Trainer" f" The list of callbacks already present is\n: {existing_callbacks}" ) self.callbacks.append(cb)
def __iter__(self): return self.callbacks def clear_callbacks(self): self.callbacks = [] @property def callback_list(self): return [cb.__class__.__name__ for cb in self.callbacks]
[docs] def call_event(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """ For each callback which has been registered, sequentially call the method corresponding to the given event. :param event: The event corresponding to the method to call on each callback :param args: a list of arguments to be passed to each callback :param kwargs: a list of keyword arguments to be passed to each callback """ if self._enabled: for callback in self.callbacks: try: getattr(callback, event)( *args, **kwargs, ) except CallbackMethodNotImplementedError as e: continue
[docs]class LogMetricsCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback that logs the latest values of any metric which has been updated in the trainer's run history. By default, this just prints to the command line once per machine. Metrics prefixed with 'train' are logged at the end of a training epoch, all other metrics are logged after evaluation. This can be subclassed to create loggers for different platforms by overriding the :meth:`~LogMetricsCallback.log_metrics` method. """ def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): metric_names = [ metric for metric in trainer.run_history.get_metric_names() if "train" in metric ] self._log_latest_metrics(trainer, metric_names) def on_eval_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): metric_names = [ metric for metric in trainer.run_history.get_metric_names() if "train" not in metric ] self._log_latest_metrics(trainer, metric_names) def _log_latest_metrics(self, trainer, metric_names): latest_metrics = self._get_latest_metrics(trainer, metric_names) self.log_metrics(trainer, latest_metrics) def _get_latest_metrics(self, trainer, metric_names): return { metric_name: trainer.run_history.get_latest_metric(metric_name) for metric_name in metric_names } def log_metrics(self, trainer, metrics: dict): for metric_name, metric_value in metrics.items(): trainer.print(f"\n{metric_name}: {metric_value}")
[docs]class ProgressBarCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback which visualises the state of each training and evaluation epoch using a progress bar """ def __init__(self): self.pbar = None def on_train_epoch_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.pbar = tqdm( total=len(trainer._train_dataloader), disable=not trainer._accelerator.is_local_main_process, ) def on_train_step_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.pbar.update(1) def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.pbar.close() time.sleep(0.01) def on_eval_epoch_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.pbar = tqdm( total=len(trainer._eval_dataloader), disable=not trainer._accelerator.is_local_main_process, ) def on_eval_step_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.pbar.update(1) def on_eval_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.pbar.close() time.sleep(0.01)
[docs]class PrintProgressCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback which prints a message at the start and end of a run, as well as at the start of each epoch. """ def on_training_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer.print("\nStarting training run") def on_train_epoch_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer.print(f"\nStarting epoch {trainer.run_history.current_epoch}") time.sleep(0.01) def on_training_run_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer.print("Finishing training run") def on_evaluation_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer.print("\nStarting evaluation run") def on_evaluation_run_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer.print("Finishing evaluation run")
[docs]class SaveBestModelCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback which saves the best model during a training run, according to a given metric. The best model weights are loaded at the end of the training run. """
[docs] def __init__( self, save_path="", watch_metric="eval_loss_epoch", greater_is_better: bool = False, reset_on_train: bool = True, save_optimizer: bool = True, ): """ :param save_path: The path to save the checkpoint to. This should end in ``.pt``. :param watch_metric: the metric used to compare model performance. This should be accessible from the trainer's run history. :param greater_is_better: whether an increase in the ``watch_metric`` should be interpreted as the model performing better. :param reset_on_train: whether to reset the best metric on subsequent training runs. If ``True``, only the metrics observed during the current training run will be compared. :param save_optimizer: whether to also save the optimizer as part of the model checkpoint """ self.watch_metric = watch_metric self.greater_is_better = greater_is_better self.operator = np.greater if self.greater_is_better else np.less self.best_metric = None self.best_metric_epoch = None self.save_path = save_path self.reset_on_train = reset_on_train self.save_optimizer = save_optimizer
def on_training_run_start(self, args, **kwargs): if self.reset_on_train: self.best_metric = None def on_training_run_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): current_metric = trainer.run_history.get_latest_metric(self.watch_metric) if self.best_metric is None: self.best_metric = current_metric self.best_metric_epoch = trainer.run_history.current_epoch trainer.save_checkpoint( save_path=self.save_path, checkpoint_kwargs={self.watch_metric: self.best_metric}, save_optimizer=self.save_optimizer, ) else: is_improvement = self.operator(current_metric, self.best_metric) if is_improvement: self.best_metric = current_metric self.best_metric_epoch = trainer.run_history.current_epoch trainer.save_checkpoint( save_path=self.save_path, checkpoint_kwargs={"loss": self.best_metric}, save_optimizer=self.save_optimizer, ) def on_training_run_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer.print( f"Loading checkpoint with {self.watch_metric}: {self.best_metric} from epoch {self.best_metric_epoch}" ) trainer.load_checkpoint(self.save_path)
[docs]class EarlyStoppingCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback which stops training early if progress is not being observed. """
[docs] def __init__( self, early_stopping_patience: int = 1, early_stopping_threshold: float = 0.01, watch_metric="eval_loss_epoch", greater_is_better: bool = False, reset_on_train: bool = True, ): """ :param early_stopping_patience: the number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped. :param early_stopping_threshold: the minimum change in the ``watch_metric`` to qualify as an improvement, i.e. an absolute change of less than this threshold, will count as no improvement. :param watch_metric: the metric used to compare model performance. This should be accessible from the trainer's run history. :param greater_is_better: whether an increase in the ``watch_metric`` should be interpreted as the model performing better. :param reset_on_train: whether to reset the best metric on subsequent training runs. If ``True``, only the metrics observed during the current training run will be compared. """ self.early_stopping_patience = early_stopping_patience self.early_stopping_threshold = early_stopping_threshold self.watch_metric = watch_metric self.greater_is_better = greater_is_better self.early_stopping_patience_counter = 0 self.best_metric = None self.operator = np.greater if self.greater_is_better else np.less self.reset_on_train = reset_on_train
def on_training_run_start(self, args, **kwargs): if self.reset_on_train: self.best_metric = None self.early_stopping_patience_counter = 0 def on_training_run_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): current_metric = trainer.run_history.get_latest_metric(self.watch_metric) if self.best_metric is None: self.best_metric = current_metric else: is_improvement = self.operator(current_metric, self.best_metric) improvement = abs(current_metric - self.best_metric) improvement_above_threshold = improvement > self.early_stopping_threshold if is_improvement and improvement_above_threshold: trainer.print( f"\nImprovement of {improvement} observed, resetting counter. " ) self.best_metric = current_metric self.early_stopping_patience_counter = 0 self.__print_counter_status(trainer) else: trainer.print( "No improvement above threshold observed, incrementing counter. " ) self.early_stopping_patience_counter += 1 self.__print_counter_status(trainer) if self.early_stopping_patience_counter >= self.early_stopping_patience: raise StopTrainingError( f"Stopping training due to no improvement after {self.early_stopping_patience} epochs" ) def __print_counter_status(self, trainer): trainer.print( f"Early stopping counter: {self.early_stopping_patience_counter}/{self.early_stopping_patience}" )
[docs]class TerminateOnNaNCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback that terminates the training run if a ``NaN`` loss is observed during either training or evaluation. """ def __init__(self): self.triggered = False def check_for_nan_after_batch(self, batch_output, step=None): """Test if loss is NaN and interrupts training.""" loss = batch_output["loss"] if torch.isinf(loss).any() or torch.isnan(loss).any(): self.triggered = True raise StopTrainingError(f"Stopping training due to NaN loss in {step} step") def on_train_step_end(self, trainer, batch_output, **kwargs): self.check_for_nan_after_batch(batch_output, step="training") def on_eval_step_end(self, trainer, batch_output, **kwargs): self.check_for_nan_after_batch(batch_output, step="validation") def on_training_run_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): if self.triggered: sys.exit("Exiting due to NaN loss")
[docs]class MoveModulesToDeviceCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback which moves any :class:`~pytorch_accelerated.trainer.Trainer` attributes which are instances of :class:`torch.nn.Module` on to the appropriate device at the start of a training or evaluation run. .. Note:: This does **not** include the model, as this will be prepared separately by the :class:`~pytorch_accelerated.trainer.Trainer`'s internal instance of :class:`accelerate.Accelerator`. """ def _get_modules(self, trainer): return inspect.getmembers(trainer, lambda x: isinstance(x, nn.Module)) def _move_modules_to_device(self, trainer): modules = self._get_modules(trainer) for module_name, module in modules: if module_name != "model": def on_training_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): self._move_modules_to_device(trainer) def on_evaluation_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): self._move_modules_to_device(trainer)
class DataLoaderSlice: def __init__(self, dl, slice_size): self.dl = dl self.slice_size = slice_size def __iter__(self): return itertools.islice(self.dl, self.slice_size) def __len__(self): return self.slice_size class LimitBatchesCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback that that limits the number of batches used during training and evaluation """ def __init__(self, num_batches): self.num_batches = num_batches def on_training_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer._train_dataloader = DataLoaderSlice( trainer._train_dataloader, self.num_batches ) trainer._eval_dataloader = DataLoaderSlice( trainer._eval_dataloader, self.num_batches ) def on_evaluation_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): trainer._eval_dataloader = DataLoaderSlice( trainer._eval_dataloader, self.num_batches )
[docs]class ModelEmaCallback(SaveBestModelCallback): """ A callback which maintains and saves an exponential moving average of the weights of the model that is currently being trained. This callback offers the option of evaluating the EMA model during. If enabled, this is done by running an additional validation after each training epoch, which will use additional GPU resources. During this additional epoch, only the provided callbacks will be executed. .. Note:: This callback is sensitive to the order that it is executed. This should be placed after any callbacks that modify state (e.g. metrics) but before any callbacks that read state (e.g. loggers) or :class:`ConvertSyncBatchNormCallback`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, decay: float = 0.99, evaluate_during_training: bool = True, save_path: str = "", watch_metric: str = "ema_model_eval_loss_epoch", greater_is_better: bool = False, model_ema=ModelEma, callbacks=(), ): """ :param decay: the amount of decay to use, which determines how much of the previous state will be maintained. :param evaluate_during_training: whether to evaluate the EMA model during training. If True, an additional validation epoch will be conducted after each training epoch, which will use additional GPU resources, and the best model will be saved. If False, the saved EMA model checkpoint will be updated at the end of each epoch. :param watch_metric: the metric used to compare model performance. This should be accessible from the trainer's run history. This is only used when ``evaluate_during_training`` is enabled. :param greater_is_better: whether an increase in the ``watch_metric`` should be interpreted as the model performing better. :param model_ema: the class which is responsible for maintaining the moving average of the model. :param callbacks: an iterable of callbacks that will be executed during the evaluation loop of the EMA model """ super().__init__( save_path=save_path, watch_metric=watch_metric, greater_is_better=greater_is_better, reset_on_train=False, save_optimizer=False, ) self.decay = decay self.ema_model = None self._track_prefix = "ema_model_" self.evaluate_during_training = evaluate_during_training self.model_ema_cls = model_ema self.callback_handler = CallbackHandler(callbacks)
def on_training_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.ema_model = self.model_ema_cls( trainer._accelerator.unwrap_model(trainer.model), decay=self.decay ) if self.evaluate_during_training: def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): self.ema_model.update(trainer._accelerator.unwrap_model(trainer.model)) def on_eval_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): if self.evaluate_during_training: model = trainer.model trainer.model = self.ema_model.module run_history_prefix = trainer.run_history.metric_name_prefix trainer_callback_handler = trainer.callback_handler trainer.print("Running evaluation on EMA model") trainer.callback_handler = self.callback_handler trainer.run_history.set_metric_name_prefix(self._track_prefix) trainer._run_eval_epoch(trainer._eval_dataloader) trainer.model = model trainer.callback_handler = trainer_callback_handler trainer.run_history.set_metric_name_prefix(run_history_prefix) def on_training_run_epoch_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): model = trainer.model trainer.model = self.ema_model.module if self.evaluate_during_training: super().on_training_run_epoch_end(trainer) else: trainer.save_checkpoint(save_path=self.save_path, save_optimizer=False) trainer.model = model def on_training_run_end(self, trainer, **kwargs): # Overriding, as we do not want to load the EMA model pass
[docs]class ConvertSyncBatchNormCallback(TrainerCallback): """ A callback which converts all BatchNorm*D layers in the model to :class:`torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm` layers. """ def on_training_run_start(self, trainer, **kwargs): if trainer.run_config.is_distributed: trainer.model = torch.nn.SyncBatchNorm.convert_sync_batchnorm(trainer.model)